Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs at Mill Lane

The SEND Code of Practice became statutory in September 2014, it gives guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations and applies to England. It relates to children and young people with special education needs and disabled children and young people. (SEND) 

At Mill Lane Primary School, we endeavour to meet the needs all of pupils that attend our school. We strive to provide an inclusive environment that enables each individual to achieve to the best of their ability. As of November 2022, our school population is 34% SEND. This is a significant part of our school community and our SEND offer is a significant part of our day-to-day practise. 

Our goal is to provide a school environment that caters for the needs of each individual pupil with SEND in one or more of the following areas: 

-Communication and Interaction 

-Cognition and Learning 

-Social, Emotional and Mental Health 

-Sensory and Physical.  

All staff at Mill Lane work to embed quality first teaching approaches for all. Where a pupil is making limited progress staff are proactive in working through the ASSESS-PLAN-DO-REVIEW cycle to ensure that barriers to learning are identified and scaffolded.

Pupils are only added to the SEND register with parent/carer consent and every child on the SEND register works towards achieving the individualised targets set by their class teacher on their SEN Support Plan. These plans are reviewed termly with parents and with the pupils themselves, to ensure that their voice is captured and heard.  

We work collaboratively with the Local Authority, health professionals such as paediatricians and Speech and Language Therapists and other agencies to meet the needs of each individual in our care.  

Due to the significant level of SEND at Mill Lane, part of the SEND resource allocation is used to fund the services of Dr Stephanie Homewood, Educational Psychologist. We also have a contract with the NHS Speech and Language Therapy Department, and have a therapist allocated to the school. Pupils access these services when the need is determined by the SENCO, and may access them for 1:1 assessment and intervention. Staff are also provided with in depth recommendations as to how to support these pupils in class and joint consultation meetings are held with parents/carers to ensure all stakeholders are fully informed. 

When necessary the SENCO will work with parents and other professionals to apply for High Needs Funding through the Local Authority One Point Panel. This is to secure outreach support and/or additional funding for a pupil. If a pupil is presenting with complex needs that cannot be met at the SEN support level, the SENCO will apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan. The pupil’s needs and voice are always central to this process. 

Staff at Mill Lane regularly attend training to ensure that skills, knowledge and classroom practice is up-to-date and relevant.  

Some of the areas staff have received training in includes (but is not limited to): 



-Cued articulation  

-Strategies to identify and support pupils with receptive and expressive language 

-Semantics and vocabulary 

-Precision teaching 

-Supporting pupils with specific literacy difficulties 

-Zones of Regulation  

-Supporting children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder 

-Lego Therapy  

-De-escalation and positive behaviour management 

-Supporting pupils with raised levels of anxiety 

-Play therapy 

-Sensory and fine and gross motor skills 

As well as working to provide scaffolds for each SEND pupils’ barriers to learning staff strive to foster and develop their strengths and interests by offering a broad and balanced curriculum. By providing rich leaning opportunities for all we endeavour to prepare every child in our school for the future-whether this be a short term move to their next class, the transition to secondary school or by developing life skills to help them on their journey as they prepare for adulthood.  

Support services for the parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with section 32 can be found in Stockton’s offer. Click the picture to view Stockton’s offer: 


For further information regarding SEND at Mill Lane Primary School please contact our school SENCo Miss Moroz by:

Email: milllane@sbcschools.org.uk

Telephone: 01642 860055

Miss Moroz has completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordinator (NASENCO).


To read our current SEND policy please click here: SEND-POLICY-SEPTEMBER 22

School Information Report

For further information on SEND provision at Mill Lane Primary School please click here:

MLPS-School-SEND-school info report

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service

Stockton Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IASS) is a free, impartial and confidential service.  We provide advice, information and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to:

  • Parents of children and young people with SEN or disability
  • Children with SEN or a disability
  • Young people up to the age of 25 with SEN or a disability

Please click the picture to go to their website.