School Uniform
We expect all pupils to wear uniform everyday. Our uniform is simple and can be bought in many shops in and around Stockton. School provides a FREE sweat shirt, PE kit, water bottle and book bag. Additional sweatshirts may be ordered from the school office, as can school book bags.
Our uniform:
- Grey/Black trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore or salwar kameez
- Blue gingham dress in warmer weather
- White shirt, polo shirt or blouse
- Black school shoes or sandals
- A school sweatshirt or cardigan
Clothing for PE
All children are given a P.E bag and Kit, which remain in school. We ask that parents provide plimsolls or trainers to be left in school.
Our KS2 children have swimming lessons for 2 weeks during the school year. Each child needs a one-piece costume (not swimming shorts) and a towel.