The children need to bring their book bag to school every day. Reading books are usually changed every Monday and Thursday. We expect children to read at home at least three times a week and this needs to be recorded and signed in their reading record book.
Your child will bring home an extra book, which is by either Roald Dahl, Dick King-Smith or Enid Blyton, plus a review sheet. These books are to be enjoyed at home and reviewed by your child. When a child has read and reviewed ten of these, they get a reading badge to wear on their school uniform.
PE is every Thursday afternoon. Children must have PE shoes or trainers in school. If earrings are normally worn, please make sure your child does not wear earrings when they are going to be doing PE. If your child is wanting their ears pierced, please get them done at the start of the six weeks summer holiday and not during term time.
Maths homework is usually sent home every Wednesday and it needs to be completed and handed in by the following Monday.
Spelling words and rules are sent home in preparation for a spelling test, which always takes place on a Monday.
After school clubs
Year 3’s PE after school club is currently on Tuesdays.
Art and craft after school club is on Mondays
Both clubs finish promptly at 4:15pm.
Lunch time clubs
Year 3 children have the option to join the lunchtime PE club on a Monday and Glee Club on a Friday lunchtime.
Extra Curricular Lessons
Every Wednesday, we have chess lessons and we are also learning how to play the recorder.
Every Monday we have computing lessons with our school computing specialist Mr Dixon.