
Please click below to view term dates:


Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 3rd December                          KS1 (Y1 & Y2) Christmas Performance 1:30pm

Monday 9th December                          Christmas Fair 2pm

Tuesday 10th December                        School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 11th December                   EYFS (Nursery and Reception) Christmas Performances

9:30am or 1:30pm

Thursday 12th December                      KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) Christmas Performances 9:30am or


Friday 13th December                           Carols around the Tree (Nursery, Reception, Y1 & Y2 at

1pm and Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 at 1:45pm)

Monday 16th December                        Carol Service at the Parish Church (am)

Tuesday 17th December                        Class Christmas parties

Wednesday 18th December                   Snow White Pantomime at Yarm Auditorium

Thursday 19th December                      Christmas Disco

Friday 20th December                           We are hoping for a visit from Santa

Friday 20th December                           Break up for Christmas holiday

Monday 6th January                             Return to school

Friday 21st February                            Break up for half term holiday

Monday 3rd March                               Return to school

Friday 11th April                                 Break up for Easter holiday

Monday 28th April                               Return to school,

Monday 5th May                                  Bank Holiday so school is closed

Friday 23rd May                                   Break up for half term holiday

Monday 2nd June                                  Return to school

Friday 18th July                                    Break up for summer holidays (21st is a PD Day)


Schools take an additional 5 Professional Development days throughout the year.

PD days: To be confirmed, please see Newsletters for dates of school events.