Reading books are sent home weekly and are changed every Monday. On Tuesdays we will send home a class author book for you to share together. Please support your child to complete a book review. Children who complete 10 book reviews by the end of the school year receive a special reward!
Please remember to write in and date their reading record book. We would like the children to read at least three times per week. Please ensure that your child brings their book bag, reading book and reading record into school every day.
To support with reading please use the Blank Levels of Questioning in the document below:
Marion Blank’s levels of language distinguish between the different levels of questioning, which become increasingly more difficult. These levels are naming, describing, retelling and justifying. This document is extremely useful if it is mentioned in your child’s Speech and Language report.
Our Curriculum
To find out more about what we are learning in Class 8 and 9 please click on the link below:
Please use these to work on key literacy and numeracy skills.
Useful websites/Apps:
White Rose Maths 1 minute maths
Please speak to your class teacher if you need a copy of your child’s login details.
P.E. and Occupational Therapy
P.E. is on a Tuesday afternoon and the children will require appropriate footwear in their PE bag at all times. The school will provide a PE kit for your child. If your child has their ears pierced they will need to be removed by your child, teachers cannot support your child with this. Can we ask for all uniform, including coats, shoes and outer clothing to be clearly named. This not only helps the children with their independence, but it is their responsibility to look after their own possessions.
We complete Occupational Therapy and sensory regulation activities in the school hall every day. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately to take part in physical exercise each day.
Here are some OT exercises you can try at home with the whole family. It is only a 7 minute workout!
After School Clubs
As well as reading at home three times per week, Class 9 children are given spellings every Friday. Please practise these in their spelling books at least three times per week, as they will be tested every Friday morning. Children must practise their spellings in pencil and will be given Class Dojo points for presenting their work well and using their best handwriting. Additional work may be sent home that matches your child’s personalised curriculum or SEN targets, so please check your child’s book bag regularly.
Please keep in touch…
We know that children learn everywhere, all of the time. We would love to hear about what the children have been learning at home. If your child has achieved something outside of school we would love to hear about your child’s achievement. Children are encouraged to bring in photographs, medals, or anything of interest so that they can tell their classmates all about it!
This Autumn Term…
In Class 8 our children are focusing on learning all about themselves, their family and their homes. So far, they have done lots of work on recognising body parts and facial features.
This Autumn Term…
In Class 9 our children are focusing on learning about their bodies, how and why they need to keep fit and healthy, how people change over time, geographical features of their local area and about people who help us. So far, they learnt an increasing number of body parts and are beginning to recognise how they have grown from babies to young people.