Junior Neighbourhood Watch

Sam Gibbons – Junior Neighbourhood Watch
Sam, the Junior Neighbourhood Watch Lead from Cleveland Police, works closely with school to plan safety activities and procedures to teach to our Mill Lane Junior Neighbourhood Watch Team. Our team of ‘Community Cadets’ meet monthly after school. We learn about safety for ourselves and our community. We can then teach others how to keep safe.

Keeping Safe in the Community
We discuss topical safety issues, such as Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night Safety.
School Safety Assemblies
The important safety information we learn in our Junior Neighbourhood Watch meetings, we then share with the rest of the school in assemblies. We have also sent this safety information home to share with our families.

Exciting Educational Visits
We visit lots of different locations within our community, finding out about how the emergency services work and who keeps us safe.

Fire Station Visit
Here we are at the Fire Station in Norton.

Teesside Magistrates Court
Here we heard a case which concerned some anti-social behaviour. Thankfully, we were only acting!

CSI – Mill Lane Investigators
We’ve even had a go at solving a crime, looking for clues left by the culprit.
Sometimes we are able to visit the RNLI Life Boat Stations at Hartlepool or Redcar to learn about staying safe at sea.

Road Safety Training
We learned about keeping safe on the road and found out about what the different road signs mean.
We were then able to share this with other classes in assembly.

We’re proud to be members of our Junior Neighbourhood Watch Team – the Community Cadets of the future!