All of our policies can be found by clicking here:
Anti Bullying | Child Protection | Intimate Care |
Online Safety | PHSE/RSE | Staff Conduct |
Early Help Assessments (EHA)
We are all responsible for identifying families who would benefit from Early Help.
Making a Referral
If you have to make a referral in the absence of a designated officer, you can ring the Children’s Hub and follow their advice.
Types of Abuse
Physical | Neglect |
Emotional | Sexual |
Staff should recognise that children are capable of challenging their peers.
Our school recording system. Urgent issues are reported to designated officers immediately then logged on CPOMS.
Designated Safeguarding Team
Sue Skillcorn – Designated Officer
Julie Cole – Deputy Designated Officer
Rachel Conroy – Deputy Designated Officer
Do not ask leading questions. Use the words of the child. Do not promise confidentiality. Report it immediately!
Missing in Education
Children who are missing in education should be reported to the Local Authority (LA).