Year 4 Athletics Quad Kids Tournament
Wednesday 13th June 10am – 2pm
Northfield Sports School, Thames Road, Billingham
This is a Stockton Schools’ Sports Partnership Inter Stockton School Cluster Athletics Event.
Each child took part in the 50m sprint, 400m run, standing long jump, relay race and howler throw. The top 4 girls and 4 boys in each class count toward the team score. The top two teams from the event qualify for the Tees Valley Final on Thursday 21st June at Middlesbrough Sports Village and guess what? – MILL LANE HAVE QUALIFIED!!!! So next Thursday (Thursday 21st June), Year 4 (including Year 4s in Class 8) will be going to the Middlesbrough Sports Village Tees Valley School Games 2018! They all returned with medals. They are amazing school ambassadors and always a credit to our school. Hearing the children cheering and encouraging each other, laughing and creating amazing friendships is truly a joy and privilege. We are so proud to be their teachers.