Class 7 and Class 8 PE
Tag Rugby skills were the focus of the first half of Autumn Term 1 2018, securing handling an oval shaped ball, being able to pass backward whilst running, being aware of the space around, understanding and following rules and being a good team player and sportsman.
Presently Class 7 and 8 are focussing on Basketball skills, confidently bouncing a ball with control, passing safely, running being aware of space and practising taking ‘shots’!
Class 7 and 8 are also practising their gymnastics skills. Building upon their fundamental movement skills, strength, co-ordination, flexibility and balance – self confidence, determination, resilience and performance. Keep going guys.
Year 1 PE
Year 1 are focussing on building upon the skills they learned in foundation stage, listening & following instructions, working as an individual and within teams, SAQ (speed, agility and quickness training), being spatially aware and hand-eye co-ordination. They are all fully engaged and challenging themselves to improve their skills.
Year 2 PE
Year 2 are focussing on building upon their foundation skills and listening & following instructions. They have individual targets for speed, agility and quickness training (SAQ), being spatially aware and hand-eye co-ordination. Year 2 are becoming more independent, challenge each other whilst being encouraging and work with partners and friends.
It’s an obstacle course that involves being spatially aware, moving in different direction, bouncing and keeping control of a basketball and using different hands! We have to do really good thinking.
Individually challenging ourselves as to how many bounces we can achieve before we lose control of the ball. We begin with our dominant hand, then swap and then use alternate hands! Oh the concentration …. and we have to count at the same time.
Practising our ‘ball ready’ stance, feet hips distance apart, soft knees, arms and hands at the ready …. and it’s a catch!
Partner practise and intra team events.
A certain someone doing his best impression of his Dad!
Joy is Magical. ‘Try, practise, succeed.’
These are the Mill Lane Basketballers and Netballers of the future, the A Team, B Team, C Team, D Team …….
Year1, Year 2 and Year 3 OT & FMS After School Club
Occupational therapy (OT) and Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) activities focus on helping children improve their physical, sensory and cognitive skills and abilities. The School Games participation vision is that PE and Sport is delivered in a Round Robin System – to ensure all our children are engaged at all times. we have invested some of our PE Premium money into new OT and FMS equipment, the children love these activities and have requested it as an after school club.
Year 4 PE
Our PE lessons are planned to encourage constant partition by all. We have class sets of rugby, basket and netballs. All children practise skills – individually challenging themselves – and all children participate in team games, with two matches occurring at once on separate courts. The teams are often made up of gem groups – readying ourselves for intra school competitions – but rotation also occurs to ensure children have the opportunity to play with and against everyone in the class.
Building upon prior skills developed in Year 3, Year 4 are presently securing their skills in running with a ball and being spatially aware, dribbling, passing, jumping and shooting. They are working toward mastery of and talent in ..
- Offensive skills: shooting, rebounding, passing, and dribbling.
- Defensive skills: blocking, stealing, and again, rebounding.
Mill Lane love Basketball and Netball. Poor Mr Hamer has the daily chore of getting the posts out at the beginning of the day and then putting them away at the end – so that the children can practise morning break and dinner time. He is also known to shoot a few hoops himself as a member of the staff team – see children versus adults section!
The children are practising being, ‘ball ready’ working on their feet and hand positions and readiness – it is known in Basketball as the ‘Triple Threat’ stance, a basketball fundamental that puts players in a ready position to dribble, pass or shoot. We are also practising, ‘playing as a team’, being spatially aware and tactical.
Year 5 PE
Year 5 are working on their strength and conditioning along with basketball skills and match tactics. They have been completing a pilates and yoga warm up thats focusses on balance and core strength at the beginning of their games sessions with Miss Brown. Year 5 understand the importance of being aware and working upon their fundamental movement skills, agility, balance and co-ordination. They know that tactics and being able to work as a team will benefit them in intra and inter school tournaments.
Throughout the match the children are encouraged to be ‘ball ready’ at all times, implement their offensive and defensive skills of controlled dribbling, passing, rebounding, stealing, blocking and shooting. Sports Leaders within the class are rotated as players, ‘umpires’ and timekeepers which encourages playing to School Games Rules and a greater understanding of rules and tactics.
Year 6 PE
Both Mrs Twidle and Mrs Dowde, our Year 6 teachers, are sporty – some may say competitive ….. – and believe in the benefits PE has on whole school improvement. Year 6 have a weekly PE skills/games lesson and are taught Gymnastics by Mrs Twidle and Mrs Dowde. Their aim is to equip the children with gymnastics vocabulary and the skills to combine and perform gymnastic shapes, actions and movements fluently and with grace, to understand the importance of ‘warm-up’ and ‘cool-down’ upon the body and muscles and to develop their own routines and perform them, evaluating their own and other’s work, providing suggestions for improvements.