Homework Timetable
Reading: Reading books must be brought into school each day and they will be changed every Wednesday. It is important that you read daily with your child to improve fluency, build confidence and support understanding of new vocabulary.
Spellings: Spellings are given out every Tuesday and tested the following Monday. Please practise the spellings at home as much as possible.
Homework Book: Two pieces of homework are given out weekly on a Friday and they are due in on the Thursday. The homework is Maths and English/Phonics and is always something that the children have concentrated on during the week.
Please help your child to complete their homework.
Ensure that:
-homework is completed in pencil only
-mistakes are crossed out neatly, using a ruler where possible.
-your child does their neatest work in their book.
Tricky Word Box
Some of us have tricky word boxes to help us practise our best sounds at home. This should be done daily and the box needs to be brought to school every day, so that we can get the words ticked off and new ones added to our box for more challenges.
Home-School Communication
Please check your child’s book bag daily for notes, and read the home-school book in case there is a message from school staff. Please use the book to write any messages you have for staff. If it is an urgent matter please call the school office.
Talking Time
Use the Home-School book to write about any significant events that happen over the weekend, during the week or on holidays. This will enable staff to support your child when they are sharing during “Talking Time”. Photographs are also a useful tool that can help your child remember key details about an event and can be slipped inside the Home-School book to share with the class.